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Club Awards & Fundraising Dinner

Club Awards & Fundraising Dinner

Susan Baldwin1 Jun - 08:10
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A great night celebrating the Season

The Club Awards & Fundraising Dinner took place last weekend at Forthill. A huge thanks to Kay and Lil who took on a lot of the organising including the Raffle. And to Gavin & Luke who prepared & presented all the Awards.

There are a series of photos now uploaded to the google drive - please go and take a look!
Awards 2024 Photos

The Fundraising dinner raised over £700 on the night. So many thanks for all your support.

List of Awards Winners is as follows:

Club Person(s) of the Year
Susan Baldwin
Graham Irons

Mens 1s
POTY Outdoor: Steven McIlravey
POTY Indoor: Steven McIlravey
Most Improved: John Donald

Mens 2s
POTY Outdoor: Donald MacFarlane
POTY Indoor: Findlay Duncan
Most improved: Jamie Donald

Mens 3s
POTY Outdoor: Xander Swan
POTY Indoor: Matthew Ogg
Most Improved: Angus Anderson

Mens 4s
POTY Indoor: Calum Murray

U18 Boys
Outdoor: John Donald
Indoor: Alfie Bonnar

U18 Girls
Outdoor: Sophia Donald
Indoor: Lily Bonnar

Ladies 1s
POTY: Outdoor: Sophia Donald
POTY: Indoor: Emily Elder
Most Improved: Emily MacDonald

Ladies 2s
Outdoor POTY: Alison McCulloch
Indoor POTY: Ali MacFarlane
Most Improved: Heather Merchant

Ladies 3s

Outdoor POTY: Annabelle Steel
Indoor POTY: Annabelle Steel
Most Improved: Diya Prasad

Further reading